Prayer resources

Prior to her sermon, Teach us to Pray!, Pippa asked people to suggest resources or ideas they had found helpful in their own prayer experiences and she had a fantastic response. Here’s what people came up with.

Apps, Websites and Emails

  • “Pray as you Go”: a daily reflection on a Bible passage, with beautiful music, silence and prayer. First recommended to me by Hannah.

  • “Time to Pray”: daily morning and night prayer in the Anglican tradition. to listen to or read.
    Ted says, “You can listen to a recording of the morning service and join in, or just read it. The singing is fantastic. Either use App or online at:

  • Richard Rohr of the Centre for Action and Contemplation: a daily email meditation, to encourage inclusive theology and learn contemplation.

  • From Holly: 24-7 prayer is a movement dedicated to providing prayer resources, they have lots to look at on their website!

  • Katharine Salmon: Joan Chittister has her own site,, which is worth a look. You can sign up for her newsletter; it always has food for thought!

  • Katie is a great fan of the black activist Howard Thurman – just google him, for books, quotes and features! See also


  • Bob recommends My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers, which has been reprinted many times. There’s a website and daily meditation:

  • The Society of Saint Francis book, A Franciscan Companion or a new book, Franciscan Praying. You could purchase these through Jan

  • David recommends Harry Emerson Fosdick, The Meaning of Prayer

  • Pippa was enthused in earlier life by The God of Surprises by Gerard Hughes, which gives stories and exercises to understand praying with Bible stories, using active imagination

  • Katharine Salmon: “I find Joan Chittister’s books really helpful, especially this one: The Monastic Heart

  • Alice: “this book by an Irish poet, John O’Donohue, is wonderful. It contains blessings for all different occasions and situations and could be a great source of inspiration for anyone thinking about the power of blessing and the role it could have in one’s prayer-life:

  • Penny says: I’ve always thought that the book, Prayer – Does it make any difference? by Philip Yancey is one of the best especially because it covers issues like  the language of prayer, unanswered prayer, prayer dilemmas and the practice of prayer. All really down to earth. 


Rev David Randolph-Horn would be delighted to support anyone who would like to talk about prayer.

Talk to Jan or Heston about the Third Order Franciscans. A way to be part of the monastic movement in everyday life, without becoming a monk or nun!

Emily says:  “I realised recently that the best way that often works for me is starting a prayer but then just sort of being in the presence of God. Not necessarily thinking words, as I’m sometimes not sure what to say, but just feeling. Letting thoughts and feelings come and giving them to God. I wish someone had told me that that was an alright way to pray. I was brought up with the idea that you have to vocalise your prayers.”

Last word to Ted:  
“Oh, and two more things I find useful:
A cup of tea;
A blanket.”

If you’d like to add a recommendation of your own, please contact Alice.