We warmly welcome you to join us on Sunday mornings at 10.30am.
You can do so either in church or via our Facebook page.
If you'd like to come and worship in-person, signing up is no longer required but please continue to wear a mask if you can. We will all continue to be careful about hygiene and distancing too. Please don't come if you have any Covid symptoms!
If you'd like to sign up for a role and help make Sunday morning services happen, please contact Phil.
An archive of recordings of past Sunday morning services is available on our YouTube channel.
Worshiping at All Hallows
We welcome everyone to participate in our services. Anyone open to the way of Jesus is welcome to receive communion.
We use our own inclusive liturgy, which changes with each season. Join in by saying and singing all text in bold type.
There are certain parts of the service where traditionally we all stand or sit. Feel free to remain seated if you need to, and don’t worry — there’s no right or wrong way to worship.
Kid’s church takes place in another room, during the sermon. Contact Hannah for more information.
We share communion standing in a circle. Feel free to join in the circle wherever you see a space, and if you need to sit for any reason do use a chair or ask someone else to help. Please take your service sheet with you. We serve gluten-free bread (we do not currently share wine as a precaution against Covid19).
If you’d like to support All Hallows financially, there is usually a collection plate and card reader at the entrance.
Do join us for refreshments after our worship. To limit the risk of Covid19 infection, we now stay in the main hall for this, gathering in groups of six or fewer. Refreshments are brought to each group.
Read all about our long tradition of developing new liturgies.