Sunday Worship 30 March 2025 - Mothering Sunday

Our Lent theme has been “hands” and today we looked at how our hands can be constructive and nurturing rather than destructive. We participated in the Wildcard campaign to persuade the Church of England commissioners to re-wild 30% of the land they manage by crafting our favourite animals which we will be sending to the commissioners.


Sunday 24 September 2023 - Creation Season week 4

This week, Alex Evans from came to share with us his thoughts on Jubilee.

If you want to follow up on the topic of Jubilee covered by Alex you might like to look at:

  • a Guardian article Alex co-wrote with Rich Gower in 2015 on the need for a new jubilee movement: this covers a lot of the same ground as the talk

  • a report that Alex and Rich wrote for Tearfund at around the same time, on the idea of a restorative economy. This goes deeper into these ideas, and especially into the movement building aspects of a new jubilee campaign and what it might demand specifically in policy terms.

  • a project on enabling people to have great climate conversations in this article and also on the website here.

Sunday Service 16 October 2022

'I am the vine; you are the branches' John 15.

This morning, in this week of our Creation Season, Richard spoke to us about the two books which connect us with God; the Bible and Creation.

The readings were from Exodus 3 1-14 and Luke 12 22-31.

Sunday Service 25th September 2022

This morning, in our second service in Creation Season, we welcomed the Rev. Dr Jan Goodair, Area Environment Champion for Leeds. Jan reminded us that we are not at the centre of the universe, we are part of God’s Creation and we need to care for every living creature.

Sunday Service 18th September 2022

'Lets stop building bigger barns. Lets build a house, a community, a world where love can dwell.'

This week is the start of our new series about Creation. Paul talked to us about consumption and reminded us that life does not exist in an abundance of possessions. Putting our trust in God and pursuing giving are the paths we are to follow.

The readings were from Exodus 16: 2-5 and 14-20 and Luke 12: 13-34.